二. 研究方向
三. 承担课程
1. 赣鄱英才555工程人才计划项目“量子调控与量子通讯网络研究”,江西省委组织部,2013-01到2015-12, 已结题,参与。
2. 超导量子系统中弱光非线性效应的相干调控研究,江西省教育厅,2013-01到2014-12, 已结题,参与。
3. Rydbery Blockade条件下量子相干与量子信息处理的研究,地区科学基金项目,NO:11365009, 2014-01至2017-12,50万元,已结题,参与。
4. 基于光场的非经典效应和非线性效应的参量估算,面上项目,NO: 61775062, 2018-01至2021-12,70万元,在研,参加。
1. Zhang Z C, Wang Y P and Wang X G*. (2020). PT-symmetry-breaking enhanced cavity optomechanical magnetometry, arXiv: 2002.102207
2. Yan G A*, Lu H and Wang Y P*. (2020). A single-photon switch with two quantum emitters in one-dimensional coupled-resonator waveguides. International Journal of Theoretical Physics , 59, 632, IF="1.121.
3. Wang Y P, Zhang Z C, Yu Y F* and Zhang Z M*. (2019). Quadrature squeezing of the mechanical mode in a superconducting electromechanical system, Laser Physics Letters , 16, 015205, IF="2.328.
4. Wang Y P, Zhang Z C, Yu Y F* and Zhang Z M*. (2019). Transmission properties and PT-symmetry in a hybrid quantum electromechanical system, Results in Physics , 15, 102560, IF= 3.042.
5. Wang Y P, Zhang Z C, Yu Y F* and Zhang Z M*.(2018). Properties of the output field of a hybrid superconducting quantum circuit system. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics , 51, 175504, IF="2.115.
6. Wang Y P, Zhang Z C, Yu Y F* and Zhang Z M*. (2019). Effects of the Casimir force on the properties of a hybrid optomechanical system, Chinese Physics B , 28, 014202, IF="1.321.
7. Zhang Z C, Wang Y P, Yu Y F* and Zhang Z M*. (2018). Quantum squeezing in a modulated optomechanical system. Optics Express , 26, 11915, IF= 3.561.
8. Zhang Z C, Wang Y P, Yu Y F* and Zhang Z M*. (2019). Normal-mode splitting in a weakly coupled electromechanical system with a mechanical modulation, Annalen der Physik , 531, 1800461, IF= 3.276.
9. Cheng G L, Wang Y P, Zhong W X and Chen A X*. (2015). Phase and amplitude control of switching from positive to negative dispersion in superconducting quantum circuits. Annals of Physics , 353, 64, IF= 2.267.
10. Cheng G L, Wang Y P and Chen A X*. (2015). Phase-controlled coherent population trapping in superconducting quantum circuits. Chinese Physics B , 24, 044204, IF= 1.321.
E-mail: ypwang2019@nwaf.edu.cn