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作者:         发布日期:2023-11-02     浏览次数:



一、 基本信息

杨斌,1989年9月生,甘肃天水人,中共党员,博士,副教授,博士生导师。2018 年6月毕业于武汉大学计算数学专业,获理学博士学位。

现任中国逻辑学会非经典逻辑与计算专委会常务委员,中国人工智能学会粒计算与知识发现专业委员会委员,中国人工智能学会人工智能基础专业委员会通讯委员,中国系统工程学会会员,中国计算机学会会员,陕西省数学会青年工作委员会委员,教育部学位中心评审专家,SCI检索国际期刊Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems副主编(AE),国际期刊Journal of Advanced Studies in Topology编委。

近年来,在Fuzzy Sets and Systems,Information Sciences,Applied Soft Computing, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,Artificial Intelligence Review, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning等多个国际国内高水平期刊发表学术论文30余篇。受邀担任Fuzzy Sets and Systems,IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems,IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems,Information Sciences, Knowledge-Based Systems,Applied Soft Computing等二十余个期刊审稿人。

二、 研究方向

1. 模糊逻辑算子理论(模糊逻辑代数、聚合函数、模糊蕴涵)

2. 智能决策方法(多属性决策、大规模群组决策、三支决策)

3. 不完备数据优化方法(特征选择、关联规则挖掘、粗糙集)

4. 涉农金融大数据分析与建模(金融信用评价、随机理论在金融中的应用)

三、 学术论文(第一作者、通讯作者)



1. Bin Yang, Mohammed Atef*, Novel classes of fuzzy \beta-covering-based rough set over two distinct universes,  Fuzzy Sets and Systems  461 (2023), 108350.

2. Wei Li, Bin Yang*, Junsheng Qiao, On three types of L-fuzzy \beta-covering-based rough sets,  Fuzzy Sets and Systems  461 (2023), 108492.

3. Gongao Qi, Bin Yang*, Wei Li, Some neighborhood-related fuzzy covering-based rough set models and their applications for decision making,    Information Sciences    621(2023): 799-843.

4. Gongao Qi, Juanrui Li, Bingyi Kang, Bin Yang*, The aggregation of Z-numbers based on overlap functions and grouping functions and its application on group decision-making,     Information Sciences  623 (2023): 857-899.

5. BinYang*, Gongao Qi*, Bo Xie, The pseudo-information entropy of Z-number and its applications in multi-attribute decision-making ,   Information Sciences  2023.

6. Wei Li, Bin Yang*, Three-way decisions with fuzzy probabilistic covering-based rough sets and their applications in credit evaluation, Applied Soft Computing  136 (2023), 110144.

7. Gongao Qi, Mohammed Atef, Bin Yang*, Fermatean fuzzy covering-based rough sets and their applications in multi-attribute decision-making,    Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence    127 (2024), 107181.

8. Bin Yang*, Fuzzy covering-based rough set on two different universes and its application,    Artificial  Intelligence Review    55 (2022): 4717–4753.

9. Yingjie Zhu, Bin Yang*, Optimal scale combination selection for inconsistent multi-scale decision tables,  Soft Computing  26 (2022): 6119–6129.

10. Wei Li, Haohao Wang, Yuanhao Liu, Bin Yang*, The generalizations of fuzzy monoids and vague monoids,  Soft Computing  27 (2023): 7699–7714.

11. Bin Yang*, Wei Li, Yuanhao Li, Jing Xu, The distributivity of extended semi-t-operators over extended S-uninorms on fuzzy truth values,  Soft Computing  2023.

12. Tiantai  Lin, Bin Yang*, Three-way group conflict analysis based on q-rung orthopair fuzzy set theory ,   Computational and Applied Mathematics  42 (2023), 30.

13. Wei Li, Bin Yang*, JunshengQiao, (O, G)-granular variable precision fuzzy rough sets based on overlap and grouping functions,  Computational and Applied Mathematics 42 (2023), 107.

14. Tiantai Lin, Bin Yang*, The resolution of q-rung orthopairfuzzy set based three-way group conflict analysis,  Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems  44 (2023): 10565–10580.

15. Haohao Wang, Wei Li, Bin Yang*, An extension of several properties for fuzzy t-norm and vague t-norm,  Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems  ,  2023.

16. Wei Li, Bin Yang*, Matrix representations and interdependency on an L-fuzzy covering-based rough set,  IJCRS 2022  (International JointConference on Rough Sets 2022), 2022,https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-21244-4_11.

17. 李薇,杨斌*,一类推广的多粒度双量化决策粗糙模糊集, 模糊系统与数学 ,37 (2023): 136-151.

18. 林天泰,杨斌*,基于q-正交模糊集的冲突分析模型, 山东大学学报(理学版) , 58 (2023).

19. 李薇,杨斌*, 基于粗糙毕达哥拉斯模糊集的三支决策, 模糊系统与数学 ,2023.

20. 王天宇,杨斌*, 广义不完备多尺度决策系统及其最优尺度选择, 模糊系统与数学 ,2023.


21. Bin Yang, Bao Qing Hu*, On some types of fuzzy covering-based rough sets,  Fuzzy Sets and Systems  312 (2017): 36-65.

22. Bin Yang, Bao Qing Hu*, Fuzzy neighborhood operators and derived fuzzy coverings,  Fuzzy Sets and Systems  370 (2019): 1-33.

23. Bin Yang, Bao Qing Hu*, A fuzzy covering-based rough set model and its generalization over fuzzy lattice,  Information Sciences  367-368 (2016): 463-486.

24. Bin Yang, Bao Qing Hu*, Matrix representations and interdependency on L-fuzzy covering-based approximation operators,  International Journal of Approximate Reasoning  96 (2018): 57-77.

25. Bin Yang, Bao Qing Hu*, Communication between fuzzy information systems using fuzzy covering-based rough sets, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning  103 (2018): 414-436.

26. Bin Yang, Bao Qing Hu*, Note on “A rough set approach to the characterization of transversal matroids”,  International Journal of Approximate Reasoning  80 (2017): 214-216.

27. Bin Yang, Bao Qing Hu*, Junsheng Qiao, Three-way decisions with rough membership functions in covering approximation space,  Fundamenta Informaticae  165 (2019): 157-191.

28. Bin Yang*. Characterizations and applications of parametric covering-based rough sets,  Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems  37 (2019): 2637-2650.

29. Bin Yang, Ziqiong Lin, William Zhu*, Covering-Based Rough Sets on Eulerian Matroids,  Journal of Applied Mathematics 2013 (2013) Article ID 254797, 8pages.

30. Bin Yang, William Zhu*, A new type of covering-based rough sets,  International Conference on Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology, Springer , 2014, pp. 489–499.

31. Bin Yang, William Zhu*, Covering-based rough sets on covering-circuit matroids,  International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, IEEE , 2014, pp.48-53.

32. Bin Yang, William Zhu*, Matroidal structure of generalized rough sets based on symmetric and transitive relations,  IEEE Canadian Conference of Electrical And Computer Engineering , 2013, pp. 1-5.  

33. 杨斌*. 剩余格上的一类模糊覆盖粗糙集.  模糊系统与数学 34 (2020): 26-42.

四、 主持或参与科研项目

1. 国家自然科学基金,基于不完备决策系统的多粒度模糊覆盖粗糙集模型及应用研究, 2022年1月1日至2024年12月31日,编号:12101500,主持。

2. 中央高校基本科研业务费(数理基础学科交叉研究)专项项目,基于粒计算方法的农田灌溉系统治理绩效研究,2022年1月1日至2023年12月31日,主持。

3. 中央高校基本科研业务费(数理专项)项目,不完备决策系统的多粒度模糊覆盖粗糙集方法研究,2021年1月1日至2021年12月31日,主持。

4. 西北农林科技大学博士科研启动项目,双论域上的模糊覆盖粗糙集模型研究,2018年9月1日至2021年8月31日,编号:2452018054,主持。

5. 陕西省引进国内博士专项,基于粒计算的动态多尺度不完备农业经济管理数据建模方法研究,2021年1月至2023年12月,主持。

6. 十三五水专项项目,南水北调中线输水水质预警与业务化管理平台课题, 子课题 3:中线水质预报与风险评估预警关键技术,2017年1月1日至2020年6月30日,编号:2017ZX07108-001,参与。

7. 国家自然科学基金项目,基于拟阵的粒计算理论及其应用研究,2016年01月至2019年12月,编号:61562079,参与。

五、 教育教学改革项目

1. 西北农林科技大学教育教学改革项目,基于质量导向《数学分析》课程过程评价体系的探究,JY1903163,校一般项目,主持(已结题,优秀)

2. 西北农林科技大学研究生教育教学改革项目,《机器人学—基础理论及应用》研究生课程教材建设,JXGG2033,校级一般项目,参与。(已结题,优秀)

六、 开设课程


七、 指导学生情况

1. 科创类(本科生):























4. 学科竞赛类:


5. 班主任经历:



八、 个人获奖

1. 2021年,西北农林科技大学理学院“优秀党员”;

2. 2019、2020年,西北农林科技大学理学院年度考核“院级优秀”;

3. 2021年校级优秀硕士学位论文指导教师;

4. 2023年校级优秀硕士学位论文指导教师。

九、 研究生招生信息





(1) ResearchGate社区:https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Bin-Yang-13

(2) 团队公众号:模糊逻辑与智能决策


